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FlexLink's X45 conveyor system is very compact and robust for handling small and light products.
FlexLink's X65 conveyor system is designed for low friction, low power consumption and a long service life.
FlexLink's X180 is designed with a wide track sideflexing safety chain and compact horizontal and vertical bends.
FlexLink's X300 permits horizontal as well as vertical transportation of products.
The XH conveyor system is suitable for larger items, especially if point of balance is somewhat offcenter.
FlexLink's XS conveyor system is very compact and neat designed. Its chain permits transport of very small items.
FlexLink WL conveyor system is designed for transport and accumulation of lightweight goods in different configurations.
The wide belt conveyor system WK permits effective transport and accumulation with a belt width up to 1200 mm.
FlexLink`s compact spiral conveyors offer a high throughput solution for up or down elevations.
FlexLink's X45 puck handling system is designed for high capacities and transports small round-shaped pucks or carries.
Single track pallet system with standardized modules and RFID for efficient single-piece flow.
This pallet system is widely used in production cells with conveyor highways and satellites for production processes.
Single track pallet conveyor for larger items with the possibility of pallet adaptation to product types.
Twin track pallet conveyor for manual and automatic assembly and test systems in automotive and electical industries.
Smart twin track pallet conveyor for heavy loads with standard modules including pre-defined control logic.
The GENIUS line is a complete range of modules to provide transport, accumulation, handling and routing alternatives.
New collaborative standardized palletizer with unmatched safety and customizable application layer.
Modern, safe and easy to use palletizing solution. Designed to work continuously with consistent quality and precision.
A new, modular, click-and-play solution based on an intuitive software.